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Alumni Corner


Welcome back! We'd love to hear from you. Visit our Alumni Corner and fill yourself in on everything M4 is up too!



Every year, the members and alumni of The National Society of Pershing Rifles have their National Convention. The highlight of the event is the annual John J. Pershing Memorial Drill Competition. The event offers those in the local area the unique ...



This is our Instagram! Site members should follow the Companies Social media page to keep up with activities and social events attended by M-4!

Instagram: Pershingrifles_m4 
What We're All About...

The mission of the National Society of Pershing Rifles is:


"To aid in the development of successful officers in the Army, Navy, and Air Force, to foster camaraderie and esprit de corps among all three Reserve Officers Training Corps programs, to further the purpose, traditions, and concepts of the United States Army, Navy, and Air Force, to give civilians an opportunity to be part of a military organization without a formal commitment to the military." 

“Company M4 is more then just a club, we're a family. Enjoy our Page and association." 

Genevieve Robertie, S5, 2019


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